Health Assessment

I know sharing some of the info on this form can make you feel a little vulnerable, but I can promise you, that you won’t regret getting started with me! After going through my own struggles with self-sabotage, weight gain and finally weight loss and overall health (and still working on myself daily)

I can WITHOUT A DOUBT say that having a coach like me and an accountability group is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself! I’ve been there. I know what it takes and I am still on this journey WITH you, every step of the way! As well as the others that will be in our private, online group, with us!

My coaching is 100% complimentary! Your only investment is the complete home workout program and nutrition package that is best for you. My goal is helping you achieve sustainable results and making lifestyle changes, so it’s important that I get to know your needs, goals, and struggles, which is what this form will help me do! So please take it seriously and answer honestly. I have NO judgment. Remember, I’ve been where you are.

Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you in the next 24-72 hours, letting you know if you have been selected. I truly wish I could work with everyone, but I have to make sure I limit the number of new clients I take on, so my clients get the best support and results! I hope you understand!

Again, please take this form seriously and don’t rush through it! I won’t be picking participants based on speed, I will be picking based on the info you provide! I want to work with those who are ready for change and I need to know your needs, goals and struggles, to decide if what I offer is the best fit for you. I can’t wait to chat with you! Let’s get better together!

You are taking the first steps to RECLAIM BALANCE  and a healthier FIT LIFE! In order to do that I need to really know  your struggles, what you enjoy and what drives you to RECLAIM your FITNESS & HEALTH!

*This group is NOT for those already happily working with another coach or currently a coach themselves (unless you are on my team of FitBoss coaches). US and Canada residents ONLY!

Have a Fit-Tastic Day,
