10 Foods That Stimulate Your Metabolism

If you are looking for an extra jump start to shredding some pounds, here are some foods that will help kick-start your metabolism:
Avocados are packed with protein, heart-healthy fatty acids, and all 9 essential amino acids. They are also fantastic for their flexibility in various recipes to keep your diet from becoming dull.
Cheese, Milk, & Greek Yogurt
Finding good healthy low-fat forms of these foods are great for your metabolism. The key ingredient is calcium so for those that are lactose intolerant, try seeking out other calcium and Vitamin D rich options.
Asparagus, Edamame, & Spinach
Green vegetables such as asparagus, edamame, and spinach are loaded with many valuable nutrients and high in protein. Edamame especially can be a huge boost because it contains at least a small amount of every mineral the human body needs to function at a high level.
Whey Protein
Some of us enjoy using a meal replacement shake or make a shake as a pre/post workout supplement. To really jump start your metabolism, in addition to your favorite fruit and vegetables, try adding in a whey protein to your shake mix.
Many think that without meat, it is impossible to boost you metabolism with protein. Tofu is a great alternative to your traditional protein-packed foods, as it contains about 12 grams of protein per 3 ounces. It is also known to be used in a variety of flavors and recipes.
Seafood and shellfish such as salmon and tuna can be an excellent metabolism kick starter and also helps our body in other areas. Similar to avocados, seafood contains very healthy fatty acids.
Another extremely useful food that can stimulate your metabolism are eggs. This food is protein heavy and is a quick and easy addition to your daily diet. You can also go even healthier by choosing to only eat the egg whites.
Lean Beef, Poultry and Pork
While not all of us may be huge fans of consuming tons of meat, finding ways to add these protein-filled foods can make a big difference in your metabolism levels. It is important to seek out the leanest possible option of these meats and a small amount can go a long way.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are a powerful food that can be added to salads or yogurts to enhance your metabolism. These awesome seeds contain 8 of the 9 essential amino acids that build muscle also.